cannot run Crystal Control


New member
I have just installed a 635 module, loaded the software, using windows vista home premium. I cannot start crystal control. a screen comes up saying "cannot access NT service manager.
Thank you for any help you can offer.
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New member

I have also this message under Vista Home Premium and LCD 634 Serial port.
I tried the to install the new drivers from the link, followed the instructions but this doesn't help:
- In the Hardware manager no "Crystalfontz" display appears neither in USB, nor in Com ports
With CrystalControl 1.07 I'm on the Com1 port
- So after deinstaling the Com1 port I tried to force on the new drivers but it doesn't want them.

Should it work with a serial display, or is it only for USB displays?


These are USB drivers only.

I've never used a serial port only display. I'm not sure what special drivers (if any) are required for a serial display.

Anyway, uninstall the USB drivers. They won't work for you. I *assume* that there are no special drivers for your display?? The CF people would be better able to help you with driver advice in this case.

Once you do get the display installed, the instructions for getting the display to work in Vista would be the same, however.