bitmap2LCD: Design tool for monochrome graphic LCD


New member
Hello to all,

I am new here and just wanted to introduce my design tool called bitmap2LCD for monochrome graphic LCD display designs up to 240x128 dots. It is something like a light Paintbrush tool who converts imported images to tables of constants for the C compiler.

There is a Basic freeware version ready to download on and a commercial shareware version will follow later.

Hope this helps to someone !

Best regards


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New member
Hello CFTech and all visitors,

First, thank you for your appreciation.

A new release V1.3b including Help file and configurable C or assembler tables formats support will soon be pubished on the website.

The reason not doing the 320 x 240 matrix was just the canvas display size on the computer monitor, because there is (was) no zoom possible.

As zoom functions are implemented on the shareware edition, i will try to implement this dot matrix format and see how it looks :eek:

Best regards !



New member
Quick Update

A new release V1.3b ...

Hi all,

The latest release nowadays is V2.6c (shareware)

Now supports Grayscale and Color,
GLCD Animation,
Touch panel,
GLCD Font editor / creator ,
Sourcefile postprocessing,
data compression for monochrome GLCD
