Are we limited to only the screens that come with CC2?


New member
OK, some background info:
I have a 634 USB LCD. I installed it today, and have been playing with crystal control to display a bunch of stuff. then I got curious and wanted to see if there was a way to get winamp's spectrum analyzer on the LCD, and I googled. I came across crystalcontrol2. very interesting stuff here!

I like in the original CC how you can customize and organize all the info to the way you like it ... like temps on line1, speeds on line2, etc. I'm very picky on how my display is organized ;)

Just curious if there is a way to do this in CC2 ..

also, with all the screens, CPU usage is always 0. do i have to install some kind of program to make that work?

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New member
currently there is no screen editor like cc1.. so to make a new screen u need to manually edit the scrren file (the 634 uses .2002 files)
it is a huge pain but its gets easier with practice...
Teen Asian
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The screen editor is CC admin's next task. Editing/making screens is not too bad, once you look thru the sample screens, break a few things and ask alot of questions in the forums, There are several of us who can help get what you want.

Regarding CPU usage, do you have access to the BETA forum? I know there was a thread about some time ago.

In the mean time, run the perfmon_enum.exe program in the perfmon_enum directory. Open the file it creates (perfdump.txt) and searh for the text \Process(_Total)\% Processor Time or \Process(_Total)\% User Time. This will tell you that CC2 obtains the variable from Windows.

Also, open the file cc2_perfmon.ini in the cc2_service directory. Search for the text as noted above. If there, CC2 should be able to display CPU usage. Please note the following:

CPU usage is usually at or near 0% (especially if you use \Process(_Total)\% User Time). Open a program, and see if the usage momentary goes up. If you open a game, you should see it go up considerably and stay there.


CF Mark

jdgordon said:
currently there is no screen editor like cc1.. so to make a new screen u need to manually edit the scrren file (the 634 uses .2002 files)
it is a huge pain but its gets easier with practice...
Im sure you meant .2004 and .cfa634 files for the 634 ;)