OK, some background info:
I have a 634 USB LCD. I installed it today, and have been playing with crystal control to display a bunch of stuff. then I got curious and wanted to see if there was a way to get winamp's spectrum analyzer on the LCD, and I googled. I came across crystalcontrol2. very interesting stuff here!
I like in the original CC how you can customize and organize all the info to the way you like it ... like temps on line1, speeds on line2, etc. I'm very picky on how my display is organized
Just curious if there is a way to do this in CC2 ..
also, with all the screens, CPU usage is always 0. do i have to install some kind of program to make that work?
I have a 634 USB LCD. I installed it today, and have been playing with crystal control to display a bunch of stuff. then I got curious and wanted to see if there was a way to get winamp's spectrum analyzer on the LCD, and I googled. I came across crystalcontrol2. very interesting stuff here!
I like in the original CC how you can customize and organize all the info to the way you like it ... like temps on line1, speeds on line2, etc. I'm very picky on how my display is organized
Just curious if there is a way to do this in CC2 ..
also, with all the screens, CPU usage is always 0. do i have to install some kind of program to make that work?
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