Animated Graphics Screens


For those who peruse this forum, you may have noticed that I have gotten into LOGO's and other graphics.

Well, what follows are some related files. These are complete files for various hardware related data screens. All include an animated GIF specific to the HW item. For these screens, the associated GIF is specific to my HW (in most cases).;)

If you like what you see, in general, and want an animated GIF for your specific HW, let me know. Be forwarned, however, some LOGO's do not convert very well to the size needed for a CF display.

Also, the GIF needs to be put in directory (C:\gifs) for CF to find. Or edit the file to where you want the GIF's to be.

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That's all I have at the moment...:)

Any ideas for other screens? Post your requests here and we will see what can be done...



New member
Hi, just wondering how do I get the logos and animated logos to display on my 634? All the comes up is [E01] were the logo should be. I am using CC2 latest version, thanks.


asphalt said:
Hi, just wondering how do I get the logos and animated logos to display on my 634? All the comes up is [E01] were the logo should be. I am using CC2 latest version, thanks.
CC2 looks for the gif file in a specific location. For the files I uploaded, that place is a directory C:\gifs. If the file is not in this directory, CC2 will display an [E01]. IF you want to place the gif files in a different location, you have to edit the screen files appropriately.

Make sure that this directory exists and that the gif files are there. If they are there, check your CC2 cc2-service directory and make sure there are 2 files there, cc2_showgif.dll and cc2_showgif.ini.

Let me know what you find out...



New member
Thanks for the reply, I created the directory c:\gifs and placed the gif file in it and the [E01] still is displayed. I also checked the cc2service directory and both the cc2_showgif.dll and cc2_showgif.ini are there. If I want to change the directory , do I edit it with two forward slashes instead of one for each dir? example c:\\cc2\\screens\\gifs\\giffile.gif


asphalt said:
Thanks for the reply, I created the directory c:\gifs and placed the gif file in it and the [E01] still is displayed. I also checked the cc2service directory and both the cc2_showgif.dll and cc2_showgif.ini are there. If I want to change the directory , do I edit it with two forward slashes instead of one for each dir? example c:\\cc2\\screens\\gifs\\giffile.gif
Yep, CC2 uses the \ as an escape character now, so \\=\.

CC2 creates a log file (cc2_showgif.log). Open and search this file for .gif

Most likely, it will something to the effect of "file not found". If something else is given for an error code, let me know. Or better yet, upload and we can look at it.



New member
Interesting, this is what I found in the log file:

Sun 21 21:08:00 NOTICE ini_read_string: value found: from01->opt10 = "filename=C:gifsasus_logo_ani.gif"

seems that the forward slashes are not there! Unless ofcoarse they are not suppose to be there:)

Sorry: wrong log file! here is what I found in the showgif.log file

Sun 21 22:06:45 ERROR load_settings: file "C:gifsasus_logo_ani.gif" not found or not a valid GIF, skipping section
Sun 21 22:06:45 NOTICE ini_check_section: section not found: gif-08


This is an example of what it should look like:

ini_read_string: value found: gif-00->filename = "F:\\gifs\\cc2_build.gif"

Ignore the F, it happens to be my boot drive.:)

It is possible that you might have a bungled CC2 install.:confused:

1st, open the CC2 config screen, and use the >help>about menu button to check version. Should be V1.01, V1.01, build 0171.

If not, download and reinstall the latest version. Also, when you install, make sure the CC2 is not running. Remove the tray icon and use the Windows Task Manager to stop the cc2_service.exe process.

Regardless, I would reinstall anyway, just to be sure you have all the latest files installed.

The best way would be to SAVE all the .ini files from you cc2_service directory, SAVE all your screen files, uninstall, install,
stop CC2 as described above. Copy back the .ini files and screen files. Restart CC2. Remove and add back the screen with the animated .GIF file. Hopefully, everything will work then...

If not, at this point, it is beyond my ability to debug further. PM CCadmin. He might have some other things to check that I am unaware of.
