635 - only some packets appear


New member
635 - only some packets appear -SOLVED

I have VB.net code that controls my 635. Only some text works.
"Insert USB Stick" works, but "Hello" doesn't, however "00Hello" (two zeros does)

in the packet, the first byte is the command, 31, 2nd is the length, third and fourth are zeros (for first row, col) and the rest is the data and spaces. I wonder if it is an error with the CRC. I used the example code for VB 6, which I can post if you like.

Thank you,

Paul Thompson
I went to the mscomm istead of the serial port control....it's flawless!
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USB LCD Displays - Graphic and Character LCDs with a Keypad


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more info

It works when I change the column the text is in: I.e: 0,0 (for line line works) but I have to have (3, 2) to get certain text to show up on the 3rd line.


New member
The testis working now, and the buttons also, but now I can't get the lights to light up right.
I want the user to hit up or down and the respective light moves (up and the light does up one)
Below is my code, it gets called when a button is pushed via updatelights(currentline)

    Private Sub updateLights(ByVal line As Integer, ByRef button As ButtonType)
        If line = 1 Then
            Dim packet As PACKET_STRUCT
            packet = New PACKET_STRUCT

            packet.commandtoSend = 34
            packet.data_length = 2
            packet.data(0) = 12
            packet.data(1) = 99

            If button = ButtonType.UpButton Then
                packet.commandtoSend = 34
                packet.data_length = 2
                packet.data(0) = 10
                packet.data(1) = 0
            End If

        End If

        If line = 2 Then
            Dim packet As PACKET_STRUCT
            packet = New PACKET_STRUCT
            If button = ButtonType.UpButton Then

                packet.commandtoSend = 34
                packet.data_length = 2
                packet.data(0) = 8
                packet.data(1) = 0
            ElseIf button = ButtonType.DownButton Then

                packet.commandtoSend = 34
                packet.data_length = 2
                packet.data(0) = 12
                packet.data(1) = 0

            End If

            packet.commandtoSend = 34
            packet.data_length = 3
            packet.data(0) = 10
            packet.data(1) = 99

        End If
        If line = 3 Then
            Dim packet As PACKET_STRUCT
            packet = New PACKET_STRUCT

            packet.commandtoSend = 34
            packet.data_length = 2
            packet.data(0) = 8
            packet.data(1) = 99

            packet.commandtoSend = 34
            packet.data_length = 3
            packet.data(0) = 10
            packet.data(1) = 0

        End If

    End Sub
I believe it to be partly due to the data length, sometimes 2 works, sometimes 3 is needed.


New member
I feel like I'm solving my own problems..:)...well most of them.

My program reads 3 mp3 file names from a folder, and displayers them on the LCD. I had to play with datalength to get the ones shown up there now to work. When I change the filename for testing purposes (the filenames will change every week) only some of them show up. I get the feeling It's a problem with the checksum. I'm using the Vb example code's CRClookupTable. Is there a better way to do that? Speed isn't a big deal, as it will only need to be run once a week.

Thank you.