635 LED controls


New member
I'm using the 635 display with Linux, and compiled the example OK. Do you have source code that shows how to control the four front panel LEDs?


Mike A
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CF Tech

Here is the command syntax (from page 32 in the data sheet):
type: 34
2 bytes to change value only
3 bytes to change value and configure function and drive mode
data[0]: index of GPIO/GPO to modify
0 = GPIO[0] = (reserved, additional hardware required)
1 = GPIO[1] = (reserved, additional hardware required)
2 = GPIO[2] = (reserved, additional hardware required)
3 = GPIO[3] = (reserved, additional hardware required)
4 = GPIO[4] = (reserved, additional hardware required)
5 = GPO[5] = LED 3 (bottom) green die
6 = GPO[6] = LED 3 (bottom) red die
7 = GPO[7] = LED 2 green die
8 = GPO[8] = LED 2 red die
9 = GPO[9] = LED 1 green die
10 = GPO[10] = LED 1 red die
11 = GPO[11] = LED 0 (top) green die
12 = GPO[12] = LED 0 (top) red die
So to set the top LED from green to red:
    outgoing_response.command = 34;
    outgoing_response.data[0]=11; //11 = GPO[11] = LED 0 (top) green die
    outgoing_response.data[1]=0; //0% = off
    outgoing_response.data_length = 2;
    usleep(100000);  // 1/10 second

    outgoing_response.command = 34;
    outgoing_response.data[0]=12; //12 = GPO[12] = LED 0 (top) red die
    outgoing_response.data[1]=100; //100% = on
    outgoing_response.data_length = 2;
    usleep(100000);  // 1/10 second
Please give that a shot.


New member
Hi, wie kann ich die LEDs mit lcd4ipcop steuern?

(translated: "Hi, how can I get the LEDs with lcd4ipcop control?")