635 and mCubed FanAmp


New member

i intend to use a 635 with a uberscab module to control the fans mounted on my radiator on a watercooling loop. The main question is related to fans, i use 6 pieces of Delta AFB1212SH fans which draw about 6.5 watts. yesterday i found an interesting module called FanAmp from mCubed who can act as a fan amplifier and allow me to use up to 20W. Did anybody used this FanAmp module before together with the UBERSCAB or SCAB or is there any other way to connect 2 delta fans/channel on a SCAB? FanAmp link: http://www.t-balancer.com/english/produkt_1kanal.htm
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CF Tech

The 635 + SCAB uses PWM to control the fans. The FanAmp appears to be analog, judging by the large heat sinks.

My best guess is that the FanAmp is not intended to be used with PWM control, since it does not mention PWM.

It could be that the FanAmp is all linear analog electronics, and the PWM would pass through. If the FanAmp has a microcontroller on it, the PWM would probably nor work well.

Maybe you could use two pieces of FanAmp, and one 635 + SCAB?


New member
i love the 635 and i want to use one to control all my fans, so if fanamp is not an option is there any other way to hook up those delta fans to the SCAB without damaging the SCAB? For the moment i use a fan controller (sunbeamtech rheobus extreme) but what i want is a fully automated system which can increase or decrease the rpm of the fans using the temp information gathered by the temp sensors in the watercooling loop. Is there an option to do this?

CF Tech

The CFA-635 + SCAB is rated at 1 amp (12 watts) per channel, so it can handle the fans.

You would just need two of them to handle 6 fans.


New member
i have 12 fans inside my rig. 6 AFB1212HE and 6 AFB1212SH. so i need up to 4 635 to controll all the fans. this is a pic with the actual setup before disassemble everything for powdercoating. The last radiator which will be mounted on the rear of the case was unavailable so i order it. Hope that it will arrive in a few days together with the watercooling blocks for the motherboard.


CF Tech

Very nice.

so i need up to 4 635 to controll all the fans
And the problem is ? LOL

You could parallel fans the 12v and ground of a fan, but you would not want to try to parallel the tach lines. And you still need to meet the current limits.

6 + 6 is 12, you could use one CFA-635 in the front and two lower cost CFA-633 buried inside the machine.

Another option would be to use one CFA-635 and a CFA-631 + SCAB.

Do you have a worklog going on this project?


New member
actually i do have one but it's in romanian (i'm from romania, the land of dracula ;) ) but i'll start a worklog on XtremeSystems as soon as i receive the bitspower blocks for the mobo and start the final assembly. sleeving is still on the way and many other parts. the fan controller issue is the single one without a solution yet. on the sunbeamtech fan controller i wired pairs of two fans in parralel because they are mounted in a push-pull configuration on each rad, meaning that one rad is pushing cold air intro the rad and the other one is pulling the warm air out of the rad. so at least for the 360 radiator who cools the cpu i need a solution which is able to deal with all six fans mounted on it.

L.E if my english is bad please excuse me.