A student of mine(really!) accidentaly dropped a 240VAC line onto a microcontroller circuit that was connected to a 634 v1 display.
This ofcourse, blasted the microcircuit, and also caused the display to start to behave erratically, and finally it got all dead.
I am hoping that it's only the Holtek microcontroller on the backside of the display, that has failed, as this is easy to replace.
How ,or where, do I get the program (hex file I assume) that goes into it?
Anyone tried this before?
A student of mine(really!) accidentaly dropped a 240VAC line onto a microcontroller circuit that was connected to a 634 v1 display.
This ofcourse, blasted the microcircuit, and also caused the display to start to behave erratically, and finally it got all dead.
I am hoping that it's only the Holtek microcontroller on the backside of the display, that has failed, as this is easy to replace.
How ,or where, do I get the program (hex file I assume) that goes into it?
Anyone tried this before?
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