634 Bootscreen "}" problem


New member

I am using the custom bootscreen feature on the 634 and keep running into a problem.

I set the custom bootscreen and it works perfectly. But after a few power cycles the charactor on line 1 column 16 always turns to the ASCII symbol for FF "}".

What I don't understand is how I could be doing this. The command for setting the Bootscreen will set the entire bootscreen to the screen that is already displayed. Manipulation of specific charactors within the bootscreen doesn't seem possible. It doesn't matter what I make the bootscreen display it is always that particular charactor that changes.

I am controlling the LCD using the RS-232(Data_IN) Line with a TI MCU.

It looks really unprofessional when this charactor changes and I would really like to resolve this. Are there firmware updates for the LCDs?
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