634 arrived not dead but not working


New member
Bought a CFA634-TMC-KS a few weeks ago. When it arrived, it was the wrong one(CFA634-YFB-KS). So CF cut a ticket and the correct one arrived the next day(fantastic customer service). So I packed up the CFA634-YFB-KS and sent it back. I have been trying the CFA634-TMC-KS for the past 2 hours. Various ways, various computers and I cannot get it to work properly where the YFB did.

The CFA634-YFB-KS worked with my serial cable on my dell laptop (XP pro). The TMC does not. Not at all. So I tried it on my dell desktop (win2k) and I do get what I type on com9 (using wintest). BUT it is just barely viewable lettering. Very dim and not bright. Background is the dark blue and backlight does not work at all. Wintest contrast and backlight settings have no effect at all except to render lettering not viewable. No change in backlight, no backlight at all. You cannot see the letters unless you are a foot or less away.

Help. This is a skunkworks project and I can't seem to get the right unit that works from CF.

Ron Miller

See order #DP2159 .
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CF Tech

The "negative mode" displays like the "TMC" are nearly impossible to see if the backlight is off.

Did you power the backlight?

You need to supply +5v to "+5v(LED)", typically this is done with a WR232Y02.
USB LCD Displays - Graphic and Character LCDs with a Keypad


New member
Well, I missed that point in the write-up. About external power for the backlight and that it's pretty useless without that external power. You see I'm not going to stick it in a drive bay so I'm not going to have a PC wiring harness to tap into. Any other possible solution for me on this?


CF Tech

It is a "PC" application though, and you just want to place it outside yout case? If that is the situation, then USB works pretty well.

CF Tech

You already had a ticket open from the first return. I made a post to it so you should get an email from the ticket system shortly. You can click on the link inside the ticket system's e-mail to see your tickets.