633 Programming: Write directly to screen?


New member
Hey guys,
I'm trying to write graphics to the screen on the fly (without uploading to the user area).

Would I accomplish this by using Command 22? I looked through the S6A0073 datasheet, but I didn't really see off the bat how to accomplish this.

Any hints or suggestions? (I'm using C# as my language, but that should be mostly irrelevant)

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CF Tech

Using command 22 or command 9 is going to do the same thing. They both would define the special characters (CGRAM) of the controller. That is the only way to get a bit of graphics. There is no way to make the entire display show as graphic.


New member
CF Tech said:
Using command 22 or command 9 is going to do the same thing. They both would define the special characters (CGRAM) of the controller. That is the only way to get a bit of graphics. There is no way to make the entire display show as graphic.
Hmm, got a question for you then...
Take a look at the CrystalControl2 screen "CPU Bargraph", it seems to draw only certain sections of the screen at a time. It seems like its doing it in real time, and faster than it would be calcuate the proper bitmap and upload it. I could be wrong though. I know you didnt personally program CC2, but I was just using that as the demonstration about what Im talking about. If you could maybe shed some light on how this is done though, that would be cool.
thanks for your time.

CF Tech

He defines the 8 cusrom characters as varying lengths, and then "tiles" them about the screen.

CF Mark

CF Tech said:
He defines the 8 cusrom characters as varying lengths, and then "tiles" them about the screen.
I use 3 custom chars for each of the horiz bar graphs.

One for an empty block, one for a full block, and one for the transition block which is changed.
Works quite well.