633 and wake on USB


New member
Im aware of the power, reset and wake on lan header usage, i dont have a wake on lan so i made mine from a splice of the atx cable 5vsb pin. But i was wondering if a motherboard that can use wake on USB needs it at all ? Strange question, most likely the answer is yes but if no i can take the extra wiring out.
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CF Tech

The CFA-633 uses only uses the WOL connector for the +5Vsb.

The CFA-633 generates a pulse on the power & reset lines, so for instance, it can do a hard power off or hard reset. But it does not use the "wake on USB" functionality of USB.


New member
Aye, that's what I thought.
Any plans to make use of WakeOnUSB for future versions ?
Be easier than having to make a cable for every board that doesn't have a WOL header.

CF Tech

No real plans to change that setup. It is driven by our OEMs--and just made available to the hobbyists because it was already developed.