I have noticed that after roughly ten seconds, my 631 display washes out, for lack of a better way to describe it. I can still see the information, however, the screen is almost solid white, and the information can barely be seen by looking at it from an extreme angle. Restarting the service repairs this for another few seconds, and then it washes back out again. I am using a single screen, no rotation enabled, and have had this occur no matter what screen I select. Also, during these washouts, the display does not respond to changes to either brightness or contrast, if that has any bearing.
Running XP Pro, SP2, latest CC2 and associated USB drivers, and the unit is connected to a SCAB with both fans and temp sensors. Fan speed is enabled to manual, sensors have not been added.
Thanks for any ideas in advance!
Please disregard, this was an ID 10 T error... rebooted the system, and apparently that has fixed it, had a pending registry compact due on reboot...
Running XP Pro, SP2, latest CC2 and associated USB drivers, and the unit is connected to a SCAB with both fans and temp sensors. Fan speed is enabled to manual, sensors have not been added.
Thanks for any ideas in advance!
Please disregard, this was an ID 10 T error... rebooted the system, and apparently that has fixed it, had a pending registry compact due on reboot...
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