CrystalControl2 - 16/02/2006
Click here to download CrystalControl2
If you are installing CrystalControl2 for the first time, it is suggested that you read the "Installing the Software" section of the manual.
A downloadable version of the manual can be found here.
It is recommended that you uninstall older versions of CrystalControl2 before installing this new version!
Not doing so will cause problems.
HD44780 support has been reintroduced in this version of CrystalControl2.
Version History:
- CC2 Service now starts & stops a lot quicker
- Added user idle LCD dimming
- New screens
- Fixed HDD4780 driver installation
- New simpler directory layout
- Fixed screen loading bugs
- Fixed 631/633/635 com port selection bug
- Added simple calc plugin
- Updated aafleyer's bigchars & showgif plugins
- Fixed flicker of 631/633/635 temp/fan graph
- Added logging options via "logprefs.ini"
- Fixed many misc bugs
24/07/2005 (SV-1.00, CV-1.00):
- New textfile/http reading plugin using regex pattern matching
- New screens
- INIs now use the escape character "\"
- Fixed a few INI reading/writing bugs
- Faster service & GUI startup due to INI reading buffering
- Added support for using ID for temp sensor for fan control
- Extended max length of INI values to 512 chars (for regex matches)
- Added support of LCD character translation mapping
- 632/634 now supports special (red chars in map) characters
- Fixed \\ in cc2_config.ini creation by the installer
- Installer changes windows registry to give more time for CC2 to shutdown on PC reset/poweroff (should help fix PC poweroff lockups)
11/05/2005 (SV-1.00, CV-1.00):
- 631/633/635 full fan & temp sensor support
- Enhanced screen loading abilities (reduces manual changes required)
- Changed pop-up settings layout
- Manual updates
- New loadable screens
- Now supports line right scrolling
- Now supports item scrolling
- Fixed built in up/down screen keypad support (DKC)
- Many other smaller things
17/12/2004 (SV-1.00, CV-1.00):
- First public release
See below for updates for this release
(none as yet)
Click here to download CrystalControl2
If you are installing CrystalControl2 for the first time, it is suggested that you read the "Installing the Software" section of the manual.
A downloadable version of the manual can be found here.
It is recommended that you uninstall older versions of CrystalControl2 before installing this new version!
Not doing so will cause problems.
HD44780 support has been reintroduced in this version of CrystalControl2.
Version History:
- CC2 Service now starts & stops a lot quicker
- Added user idle LCD dimming
- New screens
- Fixed HDD4780 driver installation
- New simpler directory layout
- Fixed screen loading bugs
- Fixed 631/633/635 com port selection bug
- Added simple calc plugin
- Updated aafleyer's bigchars & showgif plugins
- Fixed flicker of 631/633/635 temp/fan graph
- Added logging options via "logprefs.ini"
- Fixed many misc bugs
24/07/2005 (SV-1.00, CV-1.00):
- New textfile/http reading plugin using regex pattern matching
- New screens
- INIs now use the escape character "\"
- Fixed a few INI reading/writing bugs
- Faster service & GUI startup due to INI reading buffering
- Added support for using ID for temp sensor for fan control
- Extended max length of INI values to 512 chars (for regex matches)
- Added support of LCD character translation mapping
- 632/634 now supports special (red chars in map) characters
- Fixed \\ in cc2_config.ini creation by the installer
- Installer changes windows registry to give more time for CC2 to shutdown on PC reset/poweroff (should help fix PC poweroff lockups)
11/05/2005 (SV-1.00, CV-1.00):
- 631/633/635 full fan & temp sensor support
- Enhanced screen loading abilities (reduces manual changes required)
- Changed pop-up settings layout
- Manual updates
- New loadable screens
- Now supports line right scrolling
- Now supports item scrolling
- Fixed built in up/down screen keypad support (DKC)
- Many other smaller things
17/12/2004 (SV-1.00, CV-1.00):
- First public release
See below for updates for this release
(none as yet)
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