dhs said:
Ok, i'm beginning to undestand the basics of the screens code.
I'd like to know how to get values in Kbytes instead of bytes (in the format xx.y), so i can use those values both for numerical and graphical purposes.
For example, i'd like to know how to "size" the min/max values for the graphbars (and how to specify a data source for them, i found nothing ), what are the options (both for rows and single entities), and so on.
Any help?
Use this information at your own risk, it is just what I've figured out and may not be accurate and I am no programmer.... I'll touch on some of the basics and the plugins used for this screen display example.
[pre] <like a begining statement for the module type
rows=2 <These next two are self explanitory
[from00] <From an outside plugin the 00 # increases seq. for each from "sub-routine/group".
from="cc2_perfmon.ini" <name of the plugin to be used and it's ini file.
sec="perf#" <this is written in the plugin's ini file and is plugin specific, the # though gets translated into a sequential number in the plugin's ini file.
opt01="id=@01" <all the opt's are plugin specific for what they do but there are alot of common elements, here the "variable name" is assigned, the @04 creates a random number to be used for this "id"
opt02="full_name=\Network Interface(Intel[R] PRO_1000 CT Network Connection)\Bytes Received/sec" <this line tells the cc2_perfmon plugin to read \Networ... from your Windows system.
opt03="precision=0" <this tells how many decimal points ie 2 if you want 10.00, 1 if you want 10.0
opt04="multiplier=1" <Multiplied to the value collected from cc2_perfmon.dll so if you have 1000 and want 1 change this to 0.001
[from02] <We collected the information from Perfmon above and assigned it the @01 so now we are going to put it in a histogram if this was your second From in the screen it would be assigned from01...
from="cc2_histogram.ini" <Now we are using the histogram plugin
sec="graph#" <plugin specific but the # is there.
opt01="id_data=@01" <For histogram it needs to know what data to read, in this case the @01 is the Network info from above
opt02="width=10" <How many colums wide...
opt03="height=1" <How many rows high (fullscreen 634 would be 4)
opt04="id3=@" <Very top row of a 634
opt05="id2=@" <Second from top row of a 634
opt06="id1=@" <Second from Bottom of 634,633,631 etc.
opt07="id0=@06" <Bottom row of all, the @06 here is the "graphical id" that I'll use for the bottom row in this screen. add more @0X numbers to the above 3 lines if you plan to use them but remember the # of lines used must match the height= line further up.
opt08="scroll_speed=1500" <how slow it scrolls across the screen the higher the slower.
opt09="graph_min=0" <Minimum value for the graph
opt10="graph_max=!What is the max Receive speed in Bytes/Sec ie 5000" <Here you could put in the Maximum value of the graph but in this case the ! sign prompts for user input for the value.
opt11=id_gmin=@" < current min value for the graph
opt12="id_gmax=@" <current max value of the graph.
> Each [fromXX] gets written to the "called" plugin's ini file every time you load a screen.
[screen] <Now we start work on the screen this data goes to the service.ini file
screen_name="Net Send/Receive Usage Histogram" <What you see on the configuration menu after you've loaded the screen.
options=0 <I *Think* this one determins the screen centering and scroll options see row options below...
alt_delay=5000 <How long the screen is displayed when the CC2 service is in screen alternate mode.
[r00] <r is for row and the number from the top down as 00, 01, 02, 03
options=0 <How the row behaves, 0 is left justify but it will scroll if you go over a total of 20 (or 16 depending on your model) characters so it can display the whole line.
[r00-i00] <r00, first row, -i00 means first section
length=5 <how long that section is
string="Send:" <string= text that you want to display.
[r00-i01] <first row, second section
options=0 <left justify
> use with "length="
id=@01 <up at the top of this example I assigned @01 to the opt01 of the cc2_perfmon plugin, so now this is the position that the data's value will get displayed...
[r00-i02] <first row, third section
id=@06 <here the graphical output from the histogram is displayed.
I hope that helps....