Temps, Speeds, Text and Date/Time


New member
'Mixed 634 MBM' is a request file someone asked for. Basically to show the following details on a CFA 634 (4x20 display)

Line 1 CPU Temp (MBM)
Line 2 CPU Fan Speed (MBM)
Line 3 Random Text
Line 4 Date in US format (MM/DD/YYYY) and time in 12 hour format

This is `Mixed 634 MBM`

I have added to this with another file the same as above but English format date (DD/MM/YYYY)

This is `Mixed 634 MBM Eng`

Next up is exactly the same format with US style date and this time operating in Speedfan

This is `Mixed 634 Speed Fan`

Last but by no means least is exactly the same format with English style date and once again operating in Speedfan

This is `Mixed 634 Speed FanEng`

(1) These screens are used entirely at your own risk and are supplied by an enthusiast only. Any problems with Speedfan/MBM must be addressed in the forum to which each plugin belongs, not in here-I have merely used the call number (ID) for each part of the programs.

(2) You are responsible for monitoring any temps in your computers, these screens are freely available at your own risk only.

(3) I have noticed a problem occurring where more than one implementation of the degree symbol has been used on the same screen or on two different screens. So, if you load say one file on a 631 and one on a 634 or two files at once on a 634 then at least one of them will not display the degree symbol properly. If you unload all instances of the file(s) then reload one file the degree symbol will display correctly. It is hoped that this issue will be addressed in the near future.

EDIT: I have now addressed the problem in number (3), it is a possible underlying problem with an .ini file and will be sorted asap. In the meantime I can post a temporary fix for those who know how to edit an .ini file by hand. I will do this by request only.

Don`t forget screen requests can be posted in Screen Requests:

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New member
'Mixed 634 MBM' is a request file someone asked for. Basically to show the following details on a CFA 634 (4x20 display)

Line 1 CPU Temp (MBM)
Line 2 CPU Fan Speed (MBM)
Line 3 User Input Text
Line 4 Date in US format (MM/DD/YYYY) and time in 12 hour format

This is `Mixed 634 MBM`

Please ensure you read the notes on the first message, prior to downloading and trying the screen


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New member
'Mixed 634 MBMeng' is a variation of a request file someone asked for. Basically to show the following details on a CFA 634 (4x20 display)

Line 1 CPU Temp (MBM)
Line 2 CPU Fan Speed (MBM)
Line 3 User Input Text
Line 4 Date in English format (DD/MM/YYYY) and time in 12 hour format

This is `Mixed 634 MBMeng`

Please ensure you read the notes on the first message, prior to downloading and trying the screen


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New member
'Mixed 634 Speed Fan' is a variation of a request file someone asked for. Basically to show the following details on a CFA 634 (4x20 display)

Line 1 CPU Temp (SpeedFan based)
Line 2 CPU Fan Speed (SpeedFan based)
Line 3 User Input Text
Line 4 Date in US format (MM/DD/YYYY) and time in 12 hour format

This is `Mixed 634 Speed Fan`

Please ensure you read the notes on the first message, prior to downloading and trying the screen


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New member
'Mixed speed faneng' is a variation of a request file someone asked for. Basically to show the following details on a CFA 634 (4x20 display)

Line 1 CPU Temp (SpeedFan based)
Line 2 CPU Fan Speed (SpeedFan based)
Line 3 User Input Text
Line 4 Date in English format (DD/MM/YYYY) and time in 12 hour format

This is `Mixed 634 speed faneng`

Please ensure you read the notes on the first message, prior to downloading and trying the screen


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