I've had a board made for 8080 8 bit communication between a dsPIC30F4011 microcontroller and the touch screen in the title (long name. haha). I've converted the initialization code line by line for initializing the display and then just drawing a single color on the screen, but the darn thing won't do anything except just show white. Is there a mistake in this code?
Are there any common pitfalls anyone could suggest that could get the screen working? I really have no idea even where to begin debugging. Could a long ribbon cable adversely affect communications? (3 feet)
Is the Solomon driver datasheet correct when it says you should tie unused DB's to ground? Also, there are a few other pins it suggests tying to ground if they are unused. Is that correct?
I don't know if this is a motivating factor, but if I can get it working, it's going in hundreds of pieces of equipment per year for Tinitron.
Are there any common pitfalls anyone could suggest that could get the screen working? I really have no idea even where to begin debugging. Could a long ribbon cable adversely affect communications? (3 feet)
Is the Solomon driver datasheet correct when it says you should tie unused DB's to ground? Also, there are a few other pins it suggests tying to ground if they are unused. Is that correct?
I don't know if this is a motivating factor, but if I can get it working, it's going in hundreds of pieces of equipment per year for Tinitron.
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