Ya! I've told many a user "it works on my machine." I've been doing this since 1974 and I'm always amazed at how many times a user will find a new way to break something. It's the old joke, "Doctor, my arm hurts when I do this." Doctor, "then, don't do that."
I'm on XP SP2 with all critical updates installed, Belarc Advisor verified. System is not overclocked and is 100% rock stable. My livelihood depends on this machine, so I make sure that it is it stays stable.
CC2 (20070812) works like a champ for me except for the dragging of custom characters. I licensed a copy of Everest today after I found some of the stuff you did with it. I didn't have any trouble dragging from the WMI information node.
My impression is that when I drag from the custom character node, CC2 is trying to aquire some resource and can't so it appears hung. The mouse pointer changes to the pointer with the little plus sign and eventually changes to an hour glass. It seems to be hung has soon as I release the button.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled.
It's so hung I can't even get a screen shot. For now, I've been editing cc2_config.ini and adding the degree symbols by hand.