New CC2 Version Restarting


This is driving me nuts! The new "Xmas" version of CC2 seems to keep restarting itself. Even though I don't see the system tray icon change from blue, I notice my 635 switch from whatever my current addon screen is, to the default bootup one for maybe 5-10 seconds, then back again. The previously running screen seems to continue right where it left off, afterward. For example, if one of system uptime screens is running, the counter doesn't reset to zero. Never had this problem w/ the previous 2005 version. Could this be bug? I've already tried an uninstall/reinstall cycle, more than once, to no avail.
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In my experience, I've found that reseating the USB cable usually solves the problem. In my case (no pun intended), when I move mine around, similar problems have occured.

Especially the connection at the display itself.

Try it, it might solve the problem.



The 635 is mounted in the case and connected to a motherboard header using the internal USB cable. I upgraded to the new version about a week ago (I had been away, so I didn't even know there was new version until then). As mentioned, it never happened w/ the previous one. Nor does it happen when I use LCD Smartie. Only at random times w/ the new CC2. I'll open the case and try reseating the cable, anyhow, but I have my doubts.

CF Mark

Have you tried fresh CC2 settings (ie, none).

Stop CC2 from the tray icon, then close the tray icon.
Delete all *.ini files from your CC2 directory except for "cc2_config.ini".
Then restart the tray icon (cc2_config.exe).

Try just adding a single date/time screen to begin with, see if you sill have the problems.


With just a single screen running, it still does the same thing on the new version. I comfirmed by returning to the previous version and installing the same screen. Ran for hours w/o a single restart.


New member
Got to say its happening here too, did a new install on a clean OS and the LCD 635 module screen and the 634 seems to refresh itself every so often. Its usually quite often too. This is a clean install with the Christmas version too. Tried it with just the time on and still does it.

EDIT: I only assumed the 634 was doing the same, it isn`t. Its confined just to the 635 only. The four LED`s go out first, the time screen remains on and updating, this continues for a full 3-5 minutes (not timed it), then the module refreshes, the display blacks out, the display comes back on with the time screen still working. The Led`s at this point come back on then a minute later go off again for another 3-5 mins approx and the pattern just keeps repeating. I haven`t set the LEDs to do anything yet, I wonder if I set them to do something if the problem will stop??? I`ll get back to you asap......

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New member
I was just going to say it worked, I set the LEDs for Dual Processor Usage, 2 LEDs for each indication. the module went a full 10 mins with no reset but then as I was congratulating myself it did it again, then went back to the Dual Processor monitoring again after giving me the normal default four LEDs. Its taking longer to do the restart now though, it was every 5-6 mins at least-this may be coincedence. The LEDs still go out a few minutes before the restart.



New member
Ok, 30 minutes now and no problem. If I don`t get back in another 30 mins then thats one hour after this message with no faults. Madness, perhaps you`d like to do the same to try it out......

Locate the Crystalfontz program folder, mine is in this path

C:\Program Files\CrystalControl2

In there you should see the lcd_635.ini. its the one with the cog on it, apologies if you already knew. Please make a copy and put it in a safe place. Open it by doubleclicking, right at the bottom are several LED lines, highlight all of them and delete. Save the file and restart CC2, please monitor it for 20 mins plus. Thats all I did and it doesn`t have the problem now, except the LEDs don`t work for the moment, lol.

Hope this helps to pinpoint the problem Admin.......



Hey reider, so you were able to confirm that it was your 635 only? If so, I'm glad to see that it's not an isolated incident. I currently have my LED's set for total CPU usage and one screen running: the "Big Boy" time display. That one really looks weird for a few minutes after the restart -- like the digits are made up of broken Crystalfontz logos (since I haven't yet changed the default bootup screen) w/ the top LED solid green (I'll try to get a snapshot of it). After that few minutes, the digits change back to normal & LED's start working again. I'll give your suggestion A try, however.


New member
Yeah same problem here. But sometimes the LCD completely freezes at the Crystlfontz logo screen. It does the restarting sometimes, then freezes. Have to reboot PC then its ok. Im thinking of going back to the previous version, not sure, could be a bug in the newest version.


Guess there hasn't been any updates on this one, huh? Well, I just acquired a second 635 (the YYE one), used, and stuck it in another computer. Using the "Xmas" CC w/ just the "big boy" time screen, it does exactly the same thing!!!! This one's connected to a SIIG 4+1 USB card w/ the external-type cable.


I just added both the 12 hour and 24 hour versions to my 634. I will let them run over the next few days and see what happens.




New member
Got to say, I`ve been running the 12 hour and the 24 hour version for quite some time now (weeks) and there is no problem with the screen/s. The only problem is the original one where the module restarts, this has been alleviated by turning off the LEDs. I would suggest, though I could be wrong, that your screen problem (ie bigboy) is a symptom of the problem not the cause. It could have been any other visual screen that reacted in this way. It is the restart that makes the screen look that way, not the screen that causes the problem.

My restarts still occur since the stopping of the LEDs but only as often as they have with any other version of CC2. They do not cause any undue problem with the screens or display, once the module has restarted then the screens output (display) is exactly as it should be once again. I was waiting to see if you tried it with the LEDs turned off too, just to see if you got the same results. As there was no reply, beside the big boy pics, I summised you were ok as you were. My only problem now is I don`t get to use the LEDs...... :(



Well, I have been running the Big Boy 12 & 24 hour screens on both my 634 and 635 since the 17th. No freezes, restarts or other problems. LED's work fine, which display my Core 2 Duo CPU usages.

As ccadmin would say, it is hard to debug a problem if one cannot duplicate it. Not saying that a problem does not exist.

If you-all delete the Big Boy screens, does the problem go away or still remain? I guess that this is 1st place to start in determining where the problem is... or is not.

That is for those who are having this particular problem...



New member
The problem was and is there with any screen, I loaded the big boy only to test it not because I had a particular problem with it. For me the problem has gone as long as I don`t have the LEDs on at all.



The problem was and is there with any screen, I loaded the big boy only to test it not because I had a particular problem with it. For me the problem has gone as long as I don`t have the LEDs on at all.

Yeah, exactly. It doesn't matter what screen I use. The big boy 12-hour was running as the only installed screen for these tests on both computers (as per ccadmin's earlier advice). I haven't, however, tried turning off the LEDs, but will (they are set for total CPU usage).

CF Mark

This sounds like a coms problem.
Using the LEDs (smoothed) creates a lot of coms traffic to the LCD module.
If you running a screen that also needs a lot of updates (like changing custom characters), then packets can be dropped and screen corruption occurs.

Its an ongoing problem, ive been trying to fix it for a very long time now with limited success.


This sounds like a coms problem.
Using the LEDs (smoothed) creates a lot of coms traffic to the LCD module.
If you running a screen that also needs a lot of updates (like changing custom characters), then packets can be dropped and screen corruption occurs.

Its an ongoing problem, ive been trying to fix it for a very long time now with limited success.
This may be, but if anyone were going to have problem, it would be me. With 5 (sometimes 6) displays, along with 5 (or more) additional USB devices (not COM related, tho), it would seem as tho I would be a prime candidate for such a problem.

Perhaps it may be more related to the physical HW, OS, BIOS setting or some other setting. If LED related (and smoothing suspected), perhaps we should document the setting in the 635 file. For me:


Also, this is probably not the problem, but recently (twice in past few weeks), I had an issue where the cc2_service.ini seemed to become corrupted. I had copied it over from my previous XP install. OF course, it was most likely a Vista thing!:rolleyes:

Anyway, when I restarted CC2, the 635 and 634 would be blank, CC2 would run for about 10 seconds and then shutdown. I solved it (the 2nd time) by deleting the 634 and adding it back.

I'm not sure if anyone posting here actually deleted ALL the ini files and simply started from scratch. This would make me winch (real bad) if someone asked me to do this, but it is worth a shot, if anyone has not tried this yet.


CF Mark

The number of LCDs you are running does not effect this problem.

The best way to solve this problem while continuing to use the LEDs is to set all the smoothing values to 0 (off).
Doing so will greatly reduce the amount of data being sent to the LCD.