CFA-635 Arch Linux Help


New member
Im a general user and just want to use my CFA 635 on my linux desktop and i am not sure how to properly program it

If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated

Im trying to display

"Ryzen 9 9950x: "(cpu speed in GHz)" GHz"
"Radeon RX 6800 XT"
"Memory: "(total memory usage as a %)" %"
(Date day first)" "(12 hour time no seconds)" "(AM/PM)

(i included spaces)
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Hello Anchorized,

All of our intelligent modules use packet-based communication. This means all commands must be sent using the proper packet structure to communicate with the display.

The packet structure is well documented in the CFA635 datasheet (which can be found here: but, if you are looking to avoid writing a software utility to communicate with the display, we've had great luck working with lcdproc ( to communicate with the display.

In fact, I wrote a tutorial many years back that showed how to do just that:
Granted that was for Ubuntu and you are using Arch but the lcdproc documentation is pretty good and may get you up and running.

Let me know if you run into any roadblocks. I'm not an Arch user but have used both lcdproc and the CFA635 pretty extensively.

Good Luck!