20x4 Network Stats Screens
Bandwidth & Upload/Download Speeds:
Bandwidth & Upload/Download Speeds with Bargraph:
Author: JC634/daks001
Screen zip file: netstats.zip
Install Instructions:
Copy the screens out of the zip into the: C:\Program Files\CrystalControl2\screens directory, add them to your module.
You will have to edit the following lines to match your network adapter in your system:
If you run perfmon.exe you'll get the correct information from perfdump.txt.
Development thread: N/A
Bandwidth & Upload/Download Speeds:
Bandwidth & Upload/Download Speeds with Bargraph:
Author: JC634/daks001
Screen zip file: netstats.zip
Install Instructions:
Copy the screens out of the zip into the: C:\Program Files\CrystalControl2\screens directory, add them to your module.
You will have to edit the following lines to match your network adapter in your system:
opt02="full_name=\Network Interface(Intel[R] PRO_1000 CT Network Connection)\Bytes Received/sec"
opt02="full_name=\Network Interface(Intel[R] PRO_1000 CT Network Connection)\Bytes Sent/sec"
Development thread: N/A
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