631 and screen crapping out


New member
I am using my LCD on my shuttle and the screen that Reider setup for Speedfan. I have a problem with this screeen, and seemingly others where it will display ok for about 6-12 hours and then it will start to show big blocks of lit up LCDs and stuff up the output. Is this a problem with my LCD, CC2 or the screen created by Reider? Also, how do I fix it?

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New member
Stopping and restarting does fix it, but only for a few hours. If I use the Speedfan screen with the smaller numbers that shows two temps per page the only problem I have is the degrees symbol becomes solid (no hole), whereas the large temp one gets blotches over the numbers.

Just mucked around with Wintest without any hitches. Used the packet debugger (without much clue) and sent some stuff without any errors.

CF Mark

Is the problem fixed if you change screens?

Ie, after it has problems, switch to a different screen like a bargraph or a time/date screen, then change back to the Speedfan screen.


New member
Yes, thats what I essentially did when CF Tech asked me. I have also changed screens within Speedfan and they look good for a while and then lose it.

CF Mark

Well that means the custom chars are somehow getting corrupted.
As they dont get updated unless the screen changes, they stay that way.

While it wont fix the problem, ill change the code so the custom chars are updated every 30sec or so.
This will mean if they do get corrupted, they wont stay that way for long.

Ill try to get this done within the next few days.