CF634 USB Problem


New member
This is long and I apologize. Trying to be as detailed as possible.

I got a CF634 USB in December and its been working perfectly until recently. I had one of my HD's fail, and had to reinstall WinXP on my box. And of course reinstall the CF634 and its drivers.

After installing them, the Display comes on, and has the blinking cursur at the default location. So I went into my settings, and made sure it was on COM3 and at 19200 and it was. Installed CrystalControl and Added the CF634 and set it to COM3 and 19200 and nothing happened, the display still had the cursor blinking. I downloaded Wintest and it opened COM1 at 9600. And when I went to switch it to COM3, it gave me an error, saying it cant be opened.

So I uninstalled the drivers and shut off my computer. I removed the CF634's USB cable from my motherboard. Let windows start up, then I turned off again, and plugged the CF634 back in and booted again. TheHardware wizard did its wizardry. I installed the USB drivers and this time I got CC to recognize the display, and it started spewing random characters all over the Display lots of Down arrows and other characters.

I then uninstalled again, but instead of shutting down the computer, I just tried to reinstall right away. And to my surprise it worked. I got it to display RAM and CPU Usage stats. and a few other things. I didnt reboot for a couple of days. As I normally dont. But after installing a program I was forced to. When the comp came back up, so did my problems. Its a vicious cycle of this process now. Any suggestions?

I did have the thought that I plugged the USB cable into my motherboard wrong so I checked, and it was installed correctly. So that wasnt it. I love my CF634 and hate to lose it so quickly.
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USB LCD Displays - Graphic and Character LCDs with a Keypad


New member
The arrows were caused by it defaulting to 9600, but then when I changed it to the correct rate, 19200, it only works until I shutdown my computer. If I restart for any reason. I have to reconfigure the device all over again.


New member
Just in case anyone has any other suggestions, CF Support sent me some other USB Drivers to use. With these drivers whenever Data was sent to my LCD it would lock up the computer. So Im still having problems. :confused:

CF Support

So rollback the drivers to the previous version. ;)

Other than that, it's the software (CC) that's losing your configuration, yes?


New member
Yeah, I rolled it back, I was just saying what had happened.

I dont think its CC losing its config. It still keeps my Screens and settings. But my computer acts like the LCD is not there. Everytime I start it up, its like I installed the LCD for the first time, and I acutally have to uninstall the LCD and reinstall it again to get it to work. Sorry if I didnt make this clear earlier.


New member
Its an internal USB cable (WRYSBY11). So that might be something of a risk, plus the way my Mobo is laid out, I have to remove the Sound Card to even get my hand in there to Plug in the Cable.

And after I boot, the LCD does recieve power, but it goes to the very High contrast screen with the cursor blinking, it does not show my screens in CC, and CC gives me the "Init of Com 3 failed" error.

By the way, thank you all for the help so far.


New member
Im afraid that didnt do the trick either. How much would it cost to get my display looked at. Or would it be better to just buy a new one?


New member

same problem, no fix, tried several different baud rates....back to default & no luck. worked for a few months then nothin

OS:Windows XP
CPU:2.4 Ghz Intel P4
Motherboard: Abit IT7 Max
Vid: Radeon 9800 pro 256meg
USB 2.0 & usb 1.*


New member
Yeah havent found a fix yet, Ive tried mine on several other computers in my house with no luck. It works great until I reboot my computer, and then its a big pain to reinstall it every time. Does anyone know how the configuration for the device is stored, is it on the unit itself or in windows? I thought it was in windows, but then when it lost its config on every computer I had, that made me wonder.